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Insur­ance and reimbursement

The extent of insur­ance cover­age depends on the loca­tion, we will clar­ify this for you on arrival. We have a wide range of collab­o­ra­tion agree­ments with domes­tic and foreign insur­ance compa­nies and we will find the right solu­tion for you!

Do you have any ques­tions regard­ing the costs of your treat­ment or reim­burse­ment? Give us a call – we’re happy to help!

Liste + Bildbanner-Block

Visiting medalp?

Thank you for under­stand­ing that we have to be extremely care­ful to protect our patients at this time. Until further notice, the follow­ing safety rules are in place at our locations.

During your visit to medalp

Please put on an FFP2 face mask when enter­ing the facil­ity and keep a distance of 1.5 m. Please disin­fect your hands. Please be sure to observe the cough­ing and sneez­ing etiquette.

Please visit medalp alone

Accom­pa­ny­ing persons should only enter the clinic in excep­tional circum­stances. Chil­dren and people with special needs can be accompanied.

Visit­ing the ward

Visits to the ward are currently only permit­ted for parents or legal guardians (of minors). Please regis­ter at recep­tion so that any neces­sary safety measures can be taken.

How does medalp protect you?
  • The seats in the wait­ing rooms have been placed in such a way that the mini­mum distance can be maintained.
  • Plex­i­glas screens at regis­tra­tion coun­ters and in the wait­ing area provide addi­tional protection.
  • Further­more, a check­point has been set up at the entrance where the temper­a­ture of all patients and visi­tors will be auto­mat­i­cally checked before they enter medalp.
  • If patients are suspected of being infected with SARS-CoV‑2, they are imme­di­ately isolated in a specially desig­nated room.
  • If admit­ted into our day clinic, an FFP2 mask will be provided for all patients. Cloth face masks are not allowed during your time at the day clinic.

Our inter­nal proce­dures and hygiene guide­lines have also been adapted to the current situation.

All of our employ­ees wear FFP2 face masks at all times. Gloves must also be worn when in phys­i­cal contact with patients. Our staff's PPE has been extended to include hygien­i­cally prepared work clothes and – if neces­sary – dispos­able aprons and safety goggles.

Increased safety measures also apply in employee areas. We avoid any over­lap­ping of sepa­rate areas as much as possible.

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Steps toward recovery

A detailed exam­i­na­tion by special­ists is the foun­da­tion of any medical treat­ment. Thanks to their exten­sive train­ing and special­ist activ­i­ties in vari­ous hospi­tals in and around the Alpine region, our doctors have gath­ered vast expe­ri­ence in treat­ing sports and leisure injuries.
Speed and accu­racy are essen­tial in deter­min­ing a diag­no­sis. To this end, we have the latest medical equip­ment and highly trained staff at our disposal. Our diag­nos­tic spec­trum ranges from X‑rays, labo­ra­tory tests and CT to MRI — all under one roof.
We take our time to discuss the find­ings with you. Our doctors will present any neces­sary further diag­nos­tic steps and treat­ment options to you. We will work with you to decide the best possi­ble treat­ment strategy.
Ther­a­peu­tic measures, such as fitting casts, splints, etc., are carried out imme­di­ately and compe­tently. If it is medically neces­sary in your case, we also offer prompt surgi­cal treat­ment on site. For this purpose, we have state-of-the-art oper­at­ing rooms and expe­ri­enced special­ist staff at our disposal.
In order to ensure opti­mal ther­a­peu­tic success, strate­gic after­care is an essen­tial part of the treat­ment process. Start­ing with the post-oper­a­tive visit, through to the intro­duc­tion of phys­i­cal ther­apy and check-ups after being fitted with a cast, we offer the entire follow-up treat­ment in house.
medical emergencies

+43 5418 511 00