When it comes to injuries in the upper arm/shoulder area, it is not always imme­di­ately obvi­ous what is caus­ing the pain. Using the latest imag­ing tech­niques, we are able to deter­mine the correct diag­no­sis quickly and start opti­mal treat­ment promptly. There­fore, we can help to prevent persis­tent pain and the perma­nent restric­tion of move­ment. For rapid reha­bil­i­ta­tion, most shoul­der surgery is mini­mally inva­sive as it is carried out by arthroscopy, i.e., joint endoscopy with a camera. The surgeon can get an excel­lent overview of the type of injury and, thanks to the most modern implants, perform the neces­sary treat­ment steps at the same time.
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Broken upper arm

In most cases, a frac­ture of the upper arm is caused by a fall directly on the shoul­der or the outstretched arm. With increas­ing age, the resis­tance of the human bone reduces, which signif­i­cantly increases the risk of suffer­ing a bone frac­ture in the event of a fall. Preven­tive measures, whether by avoid­ing falls (removal of trip hazards) or strength­en­ing bones (balanced diet, osteo­poro­sis ther­apy, regu­lar exer­cise) can contribute to prevention.
Conser­v­a­tive Treat­ment
If the bone frag­ments are only slightly displaced, a non-surgi­­cal ther­apy with short-term immo­bil­i­sa­tion and rest can be useful. However, bone heal­ing often takes several weeks, which can lead to seri­ous restric­tions in every­day life.
Surgi­cal Treat­ment
If the acci­dent has resulted in a signif­i­cant displace­ment of the bone frag­ments, the chances of recov­ery are impaired. A surgi­cal inter­ven­tion is neces­sary , the indi­vid­ual bone parts are brought back into the correct posi­tion and axis to the rest of the upper arm and fixed in place using screws and plates or nails. Shortly after the oper­a­tion, mobil­i­sa­tion begins to minimise the risk of stiffening.
medical emergencies

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