
Lower leg frac­tures and knee injuries are common, espe­cially during winter sports activ­i­ties. In the case of sports injuries, but also after every day or work injuries, it is impor­tant to get a correct and thor­ough diag­no­sis promptly and to start treat­ment imme­di­ately. Using the most modern diag­nos­tic imag­ing tech­niques, such as MRI and CT, patients at medalp get a clear picture of the extent of their injury within a very short time and can quickly receive the best possi­ble treat­ment. From primary care and diag­no­sis to medical treat­ment and reha­bil­i­ta­tion, medalp is your first port of call.

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Cruciate ligament rupture

Medalp has vast expe­ri­ence in the treat­ment of cruci­ate liga­ment tears. No other hospi­tal in German-speak­ingregions oper­ates on the cruci­ate liga­ment as frequently as medalp. With over 500 oper­a­tions of this kind per year, we can offer you the most expe­ri­ence and the best possi­ble chance for success­ful healing.

Symp­toms and cause

During the acci­dent, the patient usually feels a tear­ing or hears a pop in the knee joint. This is followed by a rapid swelling (haem­or­rhage) with sharp pain and restricted move­ment and weight-bear­ing. After the acute pain has subsided, there is an unpleas­ant feel­ing of insta­bil­ity with an occa­sional sensa­tion of the knee giving way.

The most common mech­a­nism of injury for a cruci­ate liga­ment rupture is the combi­na­tion of twist­ing and buck­ling, and occa­sion­ally over­stretch­ing the knee joint. This often results in concomi­tant injuries, e.g. of the medial collat­eral liga­ment or the medial menis­cus. Some­times there is a bony avul­sion in the area of the tibial plateau, i.e. a strong pull on the liga­ment tears out a bone fragment.

Conser­v­a­tive treat­ment

The deci­sion whether to oper­ate on a cruci­ate liga­ment depends on many differ­ent factors and must be discussed in detail with the patient. Accom­pa­ny­ing injuries such as a jammed menis­cus or addi­tional liga­ment injuries some­times mean we have no choice but to perform a quick surgi­cal proce­dure, espe­cially for compet­i­tive athletes. Less active people can regain excel­lent knee joint func­tion and sport­ing activ­ity with­out surgery, espe­cially in combi­na­tion with an inten­sive phys­io­ther­apy programme.

Surgi­cal Treat­ment
The time of surgery must be deter­mined indi­vid­u­ally with each patient. Together with you, we decide on the neces­sary measures in each case. For patients who are very active and have a concomi­tant injury that would require surgery, it is offered and recom­mended that the oper­a­tion be performed imme­di­ately at medalp. There are several ways to surgi­cally treat a cruci­ate liga­ment injury. One way is to use the inno­v­a­tive Inter­nal Brace tech­nique, in which the cruci­ate liga­ment is stabilised by a stable inter­nal splint. This 'safety belt' helps to achieve an early resilience and a dramatic short­en­ing of reha­bil­i­ta­tion time.
After care and Reha­bil­i­ta­tion

During the first two weeks after the oper­a­tion, anti-inflam­­ma­­tory ther­apy is prescribed (medica­tion and local cool­ing). During this time, partial weight-bear­ing is also neces­sary. Early func­tional reha­bil­i­ta­tion is performed, i.e. with­out immo­bil­i­sa­tion and with inten­sive outpa­tient phys­io­ther­apy. After about three months, cycling or strength train­ing can be introduced.

Approval will be given in consul­ta­tion with the senior prac­ti­tioner, the phys­io­ther­a­pists and on the basis of knee test results.

medical emergencies

+43 5418 511 00