
Frac­tures in the fore­arm and elbow caused by falls are not only very common in sports. In every­day life in partic­u­lar, more or less severe "mishaps" happen – some­times with last­ing conse­quences. We treat your frac­ture accord­ing to the latest medical find­ings and accom­pany you through reha­bil­i­ta­tion for the best possi­ble regen­er­a­tion. But our facil­ity is also highly suited to the treat­ment of degen­er­a­tive diseases, such as tennis elbow.

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Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow

Even though it is often diffi­cult to find a direct cause, one-sided and repeated over­load­ing of the fore­arm usually leads to typi­cal complaints. In tennis elbow, the irri­ta­tion at the tendon origin of the wrist exten­sor muscles causes the pain.

The tendon inser­tions develop tiny micro-tears due to over­stim­u­la­tion, which can lead to inflam­ma­tion. This often leads to severe pain in the elbow area. Tennis play­ers who play at least three hours a week have an increased risk of devel­op­ing a disor­der. However, the occur­rence of tennis elbow is not limited to the sport that it is named after. Other sports or phys­i­cal work with regu­lar over­load­ing of the muscles in the elbow area can also cause tennis elbow.

Painful tennis elbow is initially treated conser­v­a­tively, for exam­ple, with shock wave therapy.

If conser­v­a­tive ther­apy does not result in an improve­ment, medalp offers surgery as a second option. The oper­a­tion involves creat­ing a notch at the affected tendon to relieve the strain and cause the irri­ta­tion to subside. Further­more, the addi­tional sever­ing of the pain-conduc­t­ing nerve can contribute to sooth­ing the pain.

In consul­ta­tion with you, we will decide which measures and ther­a­pies are advis­able and suit­able for you in each indi­vid­ual case after a detailed diagnosis.

medical emergencies

+43 5418 511 00