
Ankle liga­ment injuries are very common, not only among profes­sional athletes. The injury can range from over­stretch­ing result­ing in a slight sprain to a severe capsu­lar liga­ment injury. We fear a torn liga­ment in partic­u­lar because it usually requires a longer rest period. Through a quick assess­ment by clin­i­cal exam­i­na­tion and magnetic reso­nance ther­apy (MRI) here at medalp, you will under­stand the extent of your injury on the same day. Some­times prompt surgery is unavoid­able. The injured liga­ment is fixed, for exam­ple, with special screws or recon­structed using plas­tic cords or the patient's own tissue, thus stabil­is­ing the joint as a whole. If surgery is neces­sary, it is mini­mally inva­sive wher­ever possi­ble, result­ing in excel­lent chances for heal­ing and faster reha­bil­i­ta­tion.

We also treat bunions, in addi­tion to sports injuries.

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Bunions – Hallux valgus

Defor­mi­ties of the big toe, known as hallux valgus, occur in a quar­ter of the popu­la­tion through­out their lives and can become very painful. Despite preven­tive measures such as suffi­ciently wide shoes and contin­u­ous foot train­ing, it is not always possi­ble to avoid surgery. Often, the every­day life of those affected is so impaired that surgi­cal correc­tion is the quick­est way to escape the pain. medalp specialises in the conser­v­a­tive and surgi­cal treat­ment of these defor­mi­ties. It is impor­tant that a profes­sional assess­ment, followed by surgi­cal treat­ment includ­ing expe­ri­enced after care, can be initi­ated as quickly as possi­ble here in our clinic. Through mini­mally inva­sive surgery wher­ever possi­ble, heal­ing and subse­quent reha­bil­i­ta­tion are usually faster and compli­ca­tions can be signif­i­cantly reduced. The aim of hallux valgus treat­ment is for our patients to become mobile again as quickly as possi­ble after an operation.
medical emergencies

+43 5418 511 00