
Despite good fitness and general health, acci­dents can happen at any time, whether in every­day life or while exer­cis­ing. In the case of sports injuries espe­cially, it is impor­tant to get the right diag­no­sis promptly and start treat­ment imme­di­ately so that you can soon get back to doing what you love most. With the most modern diag­nos­tic options avail­able, such as CT and MRI, patients at medalp get a clear picture of the extent of the injury within a short time and can quickly receive the best possi­ble treat­ment. In a perfectly coor­di­nated care chain from the scene of the acci­dent to medical treat­ment and reha­bil­i­ta­tion, medalp is the first point of contact for locals and guests in the case of injuries.

Thanks to the qual­ity tech­ni­cal equip­ment in our modern oper­at­ing rooms, we are able to perform most essen­tial oper­a­tions in a mini­mally inva­sive way. The time between surgery and recov­ery can thus be signif­i­cantly shortened.

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Arthroscopy ("arthros" — joint and "scopy" — to look at) is the mirror­ing of a joint using camera optics – the arthro­scope This type of arthroscopy is performed on the knee, shoul­der and wrist, if neces­sary. Inci­sions of only a few millime­tres long are made in the joint that needs to be exam­ined. A small camera and other instru­ments can then be inserted into the inci­sion for exam­i­na­tion, repair and treat­ment.
Arthroscopy is mainly used to clar­ify joint complaints and to exam­ine joint injuries. The most common areas of appli­ca­tion (indi­ca­tions) for arthroscopy are:

  • Injuries or changes in the joint caused by an acci­dent (trau­matic), e.g. carti­lage damage, torn liga­ments, menis­cus injuries,…
  • Degen­er­a­tive changes in the joint (wear and tear), e.g. osteoarthritis
  • Inflam­ma­tory changes
During an arthroscopy, the doctor can already carry out repairs with addi­tional instru­ments. These are usually inserted into the joint through tiny skin inci­sions. Arthroscopy has a clear advan­tage over open surgery: healthy joint struc­tures are spared and the body is subjected to less stress. In addi­tion, patients expe­ri­ence less pain after the proce­dure and the heal­ing time is usually shorter. Doctors also refer to this as mini­mally inva­sive surgery.
medical emergencies

+43 5418 511 00

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