
The special­ists in hand surgery at medalp cover the entire spec­trum of conser­v­a­tive and surgi­cal treat­ments for the hand and fore­arm. Patients bene­fit from compre­hen­sive profes­sional care based on many years of expe­ri­ence and contin­u­ous train­ing. With over 3,000 proce­dures under its belt, the exem­plary team at medalp has an outstand­ing reputation.

With mostly mini­mally inva­sive surgi­cal proce­dures, we can achieve rapid relief of your complaints, e.g. in the case of

  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Trig­ger finger
Liste + Bildbanner-Block

Carpal tunnel syndrome

One of the more common disor­ders of the hand is carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a narrow­ing of the median nerve canal which, in addi­tion to impair­ing hand func­tion, often also trig­gers sear­ing pain. Those affected report sleep­less nights and sensory distur­bances as well as an increas­ing lack of strength. Thanks to the most modern diag­nos­tic facil­i­ties avail­able at medalp, treat­ment can begin imme­di­ately after diag­no­sis. Once the suspi­cion of carpal tunnel syndrome has been confirmed by a nerve conduc­tion veloc­ity measure­ment or a nerve ultra­sound, the pres­sure on the nerve should be relieved quickly to prevent perma­nent damage. In severe cases or with long-last­ing complaints, only surgery can help. With our modern, mini­mally inva­sive tech­nique the oper­a­tion only takes about 20 minutes. The compressed median nerve is released, and the mechan­i­cal pres­sure is removed from the nerve. The hand can be used for every­day activ­i­ties again imme­di­ately after the oper­a­tion. From the first appoint­ment through to diag­no­sis, day clinic and compre­hen­sive reha­bil­i­ta­tion and train­ing programmes, our profes­sion­als at medalp ensure the fastest possi­ble recov­ery of the hand.

medical emergencies

+43 5418 511 00