
Noth­ing stresses our joints more than move­ment – whether in every­day life or sports. As a sports clinic, we’re specialised in treat­ing injuries and issues in these areas. But we are also there for you in the case of degen­er­a­tive diseases of the muscu­loskele­tal system, such as osteoarthro­sis. We use the latest surgi­cal and conser­v­a­tive tech­niques and provide you with compe­tent and friendly treat­ment from the first point of contact to reha­bil­i­ta­tive care at our five loca­tions in Tyrol.

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Infiltration therapy

During infil­tra­tion, corti­sone or local anaes­thet­ics are injected precisely into the painful area or the blood vessel.
On the one hand, the treat­ment by our expe­ri­enced doctors is suit­able for the ther­apy of pain in the muscu­loskele­tal system that arises due to inflam­ma­tory processes. Infil­tra­tion often imme­di­ately breaks the pain cycle. But depend­ing on the compo­si­tion of the medica­tion admin­is­tered, it can also be used to treat the under­ly­ing disease. Infil­tra­tions can also be used as a diag­nos­tic method to find or recog­nise the source of pain and are there­fore useful for e.g.,

  • Shoul­der pain
  • Knee and hip joint complaints
  • Tendovagini­tis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Wear and tear at the joints
  • Spine issues

The injec­tion is entered directly into the painful area, either the muscle or tendon inser­tion, the joint cavity or the nerve root. Depend­ing on the inten­sity and dura­tion of the pain, infil­tra­tions may be neces­sary only once or several times.

medical emergencies

+43 5418 511 00